Access Policy - Events
Before the Event
A minimum of 48 hours prior to a club activity, a complete guest list should be sent to the student group’s advisor for approval. Upon advisory approval the guest list must be forwarded to [email protected]. The Welcome Desk only confirms guest lists submitted by the group’s advisor, graduate assistants, or Event Management. Once the guest list is submitted and approved, a Welcome Desk Manager will confirm the guest list via email or ask for additional information. Guest lists must be confirmed by the Welcome Desk for guests to gain access into Lerner Hall. Any additions to guest lists after their initial submission must also be submitted by the student group's advisor to the Lerner Hall Welcome Desk.
Please note that alumni do not have access to the building at this time and must be included in the guest list for the event.
An affiliate of the club will be required to assist with check in if your guest list exceeds 30 individuals.
Please contact University Event Management to reserve the Broadway Entrance if your guest list exceeds 100 non-CUID individuals.
Day of Event
Students are not able to individually sign in guest for events to maintain the safety and wellbeing of students and staff.
Guest Lists That Are 30 People or Less
Guest lists of 30 people or less may be accepted by the student group’s advisor, graduate assistants, or Event Management then sent to the Welcome Desk.
It is important that the guest lists include the event name, date, time, as well as the location and contact information for a point person for the day of the event. For any updates or additions to the original list, a revision should be submitted by the student group’s advisor. As a requirement, all non-CUID guests must present photo identification. Failure to submit guest lists or continued submission of incomplete lists may result in removal of guest privileges for your group.
Guest Lists That Are Greater Than 30 People
Guest lists that exceed 30 people have the option to access Lerner by use of lanyards/ badges, wristbands, or tickets distributed by the Ticket Information Center (TIC).
Lanyards, Wristbands and Badges
If the group has decided to provide badges or wristbands for their guests, all credentials must be approved by the student group’s advisor and/or UEM. Samples must be provided to the Welcome Desk staff by the student group’s advisor, the graduate assistant, or by UEM 48 hours prior to the event. Approved badges or wristbands must be worn by event attendees for re-entry through the campus entrance. To prevent additional traffic in the Campus Lobby, lanyards/badges should be distributed outside of the building.
Additional Support
Another option for student events with more than 30 outside guests is for the student group to have a volunteer stay at the Welcome Desk for the duration of check-in.
Student groups that partner with the TIC receive tickets for the reserved event space gain access through specified entry points. The tickets will be collected at the event space entrance. Re-entry to the event is granted with use of hand stamps or wristbands, determined in the event review.
Larger Events
The Broadway Lobby with a Public Safety guard is the preferred entry point for large non-CUID groups. With the help of the Student Events team in Event Management, student groups will book a Public Safety guard for the Broadway Lobby for the duration of the event. During event check-in it is the expectation that the student group will be stationed at the Broadway Lobby checking in guests for their event.
Lerner Hall Access policies are subject to change based on subsequent restriction put into effect for the University.